United Airlines Tickets


United Airlines offered free tickets last week, here’s how


Who wants a free airplane ticket? Surely, we all do!
Well, last week United Airlines was giving away airplane tickets for zero dollars, and some tickets were going for $5 or $10.
Nope, this wasn’t a new promotion they were running and they weren’t doing it purely for generosity’s sake—it was all an accident.
United Airlines offered free tickets last week, here’s how
How the heck does that happen? Easy: since the airlines essentially control ticket pricing, and they are updating the prices constantly based on demand, a mistake like this can simply occur when someone drops a digit when entering a new fare into the computer system.
United eventually shut down the booking feature on its website and phone center to prevent an onslaught of even more $0 to $10 tickets being released. And, for those lucky folks who were able to snag a cheap or free fare, United is honoring all purchases.
